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Neighbourhood Plan Evidence

The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group are collating evidence to develop the Neighbourhood Plan.  The Overall Workplan for Evidence Gathering sets out how the evidence will be collected and divides the work load into five areas


Business and Employment

Community Facilities

Character and Environment


Results of Drop-in - 21 January 2017

On Saturday 21 January 2017 a Drop-in session was held at Great Barton Village Hall to share with the public the evidence that had been collected to date and to obtain their views on the issues that ought to be covered in the Neighbourhood Plan.

The written responses record the written notes received at the Drop-in on the day.  In addition some people completed a short questionnaire about their aspirations for development of the Triangle site, the area of land bounded by the A143, Mill Road and School Road.  The Responses to Triangle Questionnaire and the Questionnaire about the Triangle are available to view. 

Outcome of Workshop with Local Youth Club - 24 February 2017

A workshop took place within a regular youth club meeting. The target was children living and visiting the village. A copy of the report of a workshop with the local youth club is available to view.

Outcome of Exhibition at Great Barton Primary School - 22 March 2017

An exhibition was held at school pick-up time. The target audience was parents and teachers, but some pupils also gave their views  The Neighbourhood Plan process was summarised and the site known as The Triangle was explained and views sought.  A copy of the report of the Exhibition at the School is available to view.

Exhibition at Freedom Church May Day Event - 1 May 2017

The same information that was displayed at the Primary School event was displayed. The target audience was families and adults who live and visit the village. A copy of the report of the Exhibition at the Freedom Church is available to view.

Results of Household Questionnaire

On Saturday 30th September 2017 the distribution of a Neighbourhood Plan Household questionnaire and a Housing Needs Survey commenced.  Every household received a questionnaire asking for the views of each resident over the age of 8 on the issues that should be covered in the Great Barton Neighbourhood Plan.  The data collected will be analysed shortly.  A copy of the Household Questionnaire is available to view.

The results of the Household Questionnaires have now been input into the database and the questions and answers have been divided into several categories to reflect the work areas that have been developed over the past few months.  The answers to each question can be found by clicking the link of the  relevant category.  A flavour of some of the key points is given alongside the link.  Not everyone answered all the questions so where a percentage is quoted it reflects the number of people who answered that particular question.  Please do click on the links to read the full results.

You and Great Barton - Q3 You were asked what was important to you and the three aspects that received the highest scores were Peaceful and Safe neighbourhood, A safe place to live and Unspoilt Countryside.  Q5 Two people live in 51% of households and 19% live alone.  Q6 54% of respondents are aged 60 or over.

Housing - Q7 22% would support more growth of additional housing, 48% say no more growth, already too much with current proposals.  Q8 58% would support the NP allocating sites for affordable homes.  Q9 77% have no need for alternative accommodation in the next 10 years.  Q11 The type of homes preferred (41%) across the Parish was detached private houses (1-3 bedrooms).  Q12 29% would support more development in the Triangle if it generated additional funding for community facilities, 63% would not.

Business and Employment - Q18 43% of respondents are retired.  Q20 20% would like the NP to allocate sites for commercial development, 64% would not.  Q21 Those businesses receiving the highest support for encouragement in Great Barton are Agriculture/Horticulture, Shops and Home-based businesses.

Character and Environment - Q23 96% thought the NP should protect existing green spaces, open and woodland areas in the Parish.  Q24 92% thought the NP should protect arable/grassland/farmland/landscape.  Q34 40% would support ground source heat pumps.

Community Facilities - Q27 80% of respondents use the garage/shop at least once a month and Q33 90% said that a village shop is important to the Parish.  72% said that a Post Office was important but only 14% use the Village Post Office at least once a month.  Broadband, Public Footpaths and Road Safety Measures received the greatest support for improvement within the NP.

Transport - Q29 71% said if Pubic Transport needs to be improved the top priority should be more convenient services to Bury St Edmunds.  Q35 73% said that Great Barton needs flashing 30 mph sign and 48% Speed Cameras.  Q36 27% say the current roads in the Parish are safe and 73% say they are not.

Results of Local Housing Need Survey 2017

In 2017 the Parish Council commissioned Community Action Suffolk to develop a Local Housing Needs Survey. A paper copy of the survey was delivered to every household in the Parish of Great Barton. The survey could be completed on-line or the paper version could be completed and posted direct to Community Action Suffolk in the freepost envelope. This is the Executive Summary

Results of Potential Sites Consultation

In April 2018 a postcard was delivered to every household in the Parish of Great Barton inviting residents to attend a Drop-in on Saturday 21 April 2018 10am to 3pm to discuss and express their views on the sites that were included in the St Edmundsbury Borough Council Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Final Report dated April 2016 and to suggest any other sites that should be considered.  

Those attending the Drop-in viewed the Exhibition Material and were invited to complete a ballot paper. 

134 people attended the Drop-in. 129 ballot papers were completed and 5 were returned blank. Residents could vote for more than one site. The results can be found on Potential Sites results.

The majority of residents felt that if there was to be any further development in the Parish beyond that already included in the Local Plans Vision 2031 it should be on the Triangle site.

Other Evidence 

Other evidence has been gathered and is set out in the following documents. It has formed the basis for the policies in the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

Housing Needs Assessment

Design Guidelines

Local Green Spaces Assessment

Buildings of Local Significance

Appraisal of Views