Home > Parish Council

Parish Council


'Be a Councillor


If you care about the area you live or work in, you could become a Councillor.

Gt Barton Parish Council currently has 3 vacancies.  

Registers of Interest for all Councillors are published on West Suffolk Council's website. 


Research tells us that people are most concerned about issues such as crime, schools, transport and the environment. Your local council can make a difference on all these issues and many more, and so can you as a local Councillor. Councillors are elected to the local council to represent their local community, so they must either live or work in the area. Becoming a Councillor is both a rewarding and privileged form of public service. You will be in a position to make a difference to the quality of other people’s daily lives and prospects.

The Councillors for Gt Barton were nominated and elected without a contest.

If you would like further information please follow the links below:

Be a Councillor

It takes all sorts

All about local councils


Please contact the Chair Maggie Dunn, if you would like any further information.

We would like to welcome you to your  Parish Council by providing contact details along with the areas of responsibility covered by each Parish Councillor.

Click here to review councillors Register of Members interest forms published by West Suffolk.

To see a copy of the Councillors Code of Conduct Click here

Area / Committee Covered Councillor Contact Details



Chair/Member of all committees  

Maggie Dunn

01284 787357






Tree Warden/Planning (TPO's)/ Village Hall Rep/ Icepits Wood/ Finance/ 

Peter Fisk

01359 231382




Elaine Read

 01284 788433  





Jenny Stone

 01284 787527



Village Hall Committee/ Finance/ Youth working group/ Newsletter working group 

Other responsibilities: Cyber Security, tree project, Speed Watch  Edwards and Calthorpe Educational Trust Rep

Gwyn James

01284 788759


Vice Chair

Planning/ / Footpaths working group/ Triangle Development working group

Other responsibilities: Footpaths 





Planning/ Personnel/ Icepits Wood / Footpath working group 

Other responsibilities: Footpaths

 Andy Baker 

 07796 043720






 There are currently 3 vacancies.




 2 seats are reserved for The Severalls Ward 




Clerk to the Council/ Responsible Financial Officer

Amanda Jackson

 07596 868600
