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Planning Information


 For planning meeting agendas please see under Parish Council - meeting dates.


Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings (which are open to the public) and they will be invited to contribute. Local councils such as Town and Parish Councils do not have a statutory responsibility for services such as planning.  The responsibility for the discharge of this function in the majority of cases rests with District and Borough Councils as the Local Authority. For Great Barton this will be West Suffolk Council.  

Minutes from all planning committee meetings are included in the main Council minutes.  

If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to advise the council of any concerns you may have, please email the clerk on clerk@greatbarton-pc.gov.uk


Planning applications

More information on what a planning application is and the planning process, including when you need planning permission, tree protection orders, listed buildings and an interactive house which shows you when planning permission is needed is available here.

To search for an application go to the West Suffolk website home page and click on planning and building regulations, view and comment on planning applications, West Suffolk planning applications. You can then perform a simple search by keyword, application reference number, postcode or by a single line of an address.  

Click here to see the Parish Council's response to the 2015 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment  

If you have any other planning queries please visit the web page for West Suffolk Council's Planning and Building Regs.

In 2015 the Government published a ‘Plain English guide to the planning system’. This document seeks to give a succinct summary of how the planning system in England works under 12 headings including national planning policy, neighbourhood planning, obtaining planning permission and planning enforcement. Plain English Document

When a decision is made on an application, only certain issues are taken into account; these are often referred to as 'material planning considerations' -  further information.