Home > Our Village > Local Clubs and Societies

Local Clubs and Societies



There are lots of activities taking place in Great Barton. If you are interested in joining one or more of these groups please see the names of the groups and contact details below. If you belong to a Great Barton village group that is not on the list below or if your group no longer exists please contact the Parish Clerk.

Email: clerk@greatbarton-pc.gov.uk

Phone: 07596 868600

Community Group


Telephone / Email
Allotment Association  


Art Club Ms Stoddart 01284 705 189
Badminton Club Mrs Ann Tee 01284 788161
Ballroom Dancing Mr. Adrian Mole 01449 677 309
Bowls Club (Outdoor) Richard Weller  01284 787707
Netball Club (Phoenix Flames) Emma Gibson

01284 788384 gibsoneerj@btinternet.com

Church Institute Bookings Linda Scoles 01359 230392
Great Barton Community Woodland Martin Jackson 07970 118658
Great Barton Film Night Maggie Redshaw 01284 788 397
Great Barton Computer Club  


Great Barton Luncheon Club Cindy Morgan 01284 788487
History Society Jane Bream  01284 702336 j.bream711@btinternet.com
Mothers' Union Mrs Pat Shepherd 01284 705540
Great Barton Scouts                  Group Scout Leader Mr John Pitcher

01284 787787 or 07714455007 gsl@gtbartonscouts.co.uk 

Second Chance Stroke Club Peter Marsh

07884 0125757  petermarch@stroke.org.uk

Women's Institute  greatbartonwi@gmail.com  www.thewi.org.uk

Sue Lawes

01284 788431

West Suffolk Dog Training Society Sarah Connell 01284 767050