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Development Brief Papers

At 6pm Tuesday 5 November 2024 in the Conference Room, Mildenhall Hub, Sheldrick Way, Mildenhall IP28 7JX the Cabinet of West Suffolk Council was asked to adopt a slightly revised version of the Development Brief. Read the Brief. The Cabinet Committee report on The Triangle can found here.

Other relevant documents are in the links below

Location Plan

Statement of Community Involvement

Position Statement

The Parish Council is very concerned that the Development Brief does not give sufficient regard to the policies within the Neighbourhood Plan. The increase in the number of houses from 150 to between 184-191 has not been sufficiently justified. The land set aside for Community Facilities is less than 2 hectares. No community buildings such as a shop, Post office, coffee shop or other leisure facilities will be provided by the developer. The Parish Council has made representations to West Suffolk Council/Suffolk County Council and Barley Homes on a number of occasions and will do so again at the meeting.

The  letter from the Parish Council to the Local Planning Authority can be read here